Rune Talk: Jera

This week’s talk is about Jera, one of the Futhark runes.

Jera is a rune that commonly represents harvest and reward, as well as natural order. It is also used as a Rune of peace.

Also, on a quick note about this rune, when we spell or form words with the Futhark, Jera can also be used as a J or Y, rather than a single letter. It is also a hard rune to read as a Merkstave as it cannot be visually reversed, although in my personal opinion I would consider Jera’s Merkstave to be rotated 90 degrees (so that its points direct above and below, rather than both sides out).

We are taught to know patience but not suffer fools, and to always work our Wyrd with the knowledge of this rune, as it represents many things like Peace, prosperity and plentiful harvests, so as many cultures have a ‘law of attraction’, you attract what you think – If this is the case, be it Jera that you focus on. – See more on Wyrd in a later post.

Fun fact: Jera literally translates to ‘Year’ and can also be used as a measurement of time (Depending on syntax)/

Ar/Jera (“Yehr-Ah”) in the rune poem (English Trans.)

“Ar – Plenty boon to men and good summer and thriving crops.”

Runic Psi: Psychological Time, Patience, Measurement of time.

If you have anything to contribute to this post, please feel free. These are meant as a rough guide and to be educational. Due to alot of information being adapted by Christian scholars during the Conversion Period and the internet being, well – the internet.. Some info might be slightly mis-informed. If you feel this is the case, please feel free to correct it.

Merry Yule and Well Met to all my heathen brothers and sisters!

– Ravenwolf

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